Center for Reduction of Religious-based Conflict
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Read into our Winter Update:
From the Director
“We cannot win the ‘war on terror’”. What blasphemy! Wouldn’t only defeatists make such a statement? Or, the terrorists themselves? And yet, it is true! We are fighting the wrong war. Here’s why.
Semantics mean a great deal. If we don’t correctly describe what we think we are thinking or believe, we can’t think and act properly. As an example, there simply is no “war on terror” as such. We can’t fight “terror”. It is not a person or a nation. We can’t get our hands on it. We can’t capture it. We can’t shoot it. Therefore it is not an enemy – except in theory. Even the people who cause terrorism are not the real enemies. They are only an extension of the real enemy. The real enemy is the basis for the terror. Furthermore, what kind of terrorism are we talking about? There are many kinds. For example, there is terrorism based on social problems; terrorism based on political differences; terrorism based on an extension of a nation’s imperialistic designs; terrorism based on religious differences, and so on. In the end result, terrorism is an extreme and violent reaction to unresolved differences or demands.
For more click here or navigate to the Winter Update 2024 below.